Monday, March 30, 2009

Additional thoughts


In the baby house, you are only allowed to visit the children Monday through Friday from 9-11am and 4-5pm. Saturday from 9-11am is the last visitation time of the week. Those are the rules! And, they hold to these times fairly strictly.

After our court date on April 2nd, we have to wait out the ten day waiting period. It used to be 30 days, so we are not to complain about ten. We did attempt a request to wave the waiting period. However, this region goes by the rules. And, the rules state 10 days. This would be the 3rd through the 12th. However, this falls on a Monday. The office we need to go to on that day is not open on Monday. So, we will pick up final paperwork, Nina and take a 1.5 hour car ride to the passport office in Dnepro. From there, Nina and I will catch a flight back to Kiev. After we are in Kiev, we will wait for the passport to be processed (usually 2-3 days.) Then, we will go for the final medical check up at the US Embassy. Nina will be given any immunizations that our country requires. The next day, we will go back to the Embassy to finalize VISA, etc. Then, we will be able to leave. According to our facilitator, this part of the process will take about 10 days. We have a flight booked to return to the US on April 22nd. We are praying that we can make this flight. If not, it will have to be changed. But, Natalia is pushing for us to depart on that date. Big Nina (our translator) called to check on us today. She is too kind to us. I think she was a little worried about us, and she asked if we had enough groceries. She said we would be "residential" soon. She has a great sense of humor! We are now waiting to go back to visit little Nina this afternoon.

Nina has really attached herself to Jordan. We were told this would not happen. That she would cry and be afraid of him. I am not surprised at her willingness to accept Jordan. He has been on her level, tickled her, hugged her, wrestled with her. It's amazing how much she laughs and enjoys his presence. She does not seem to be interested in me. And, I am trying very hard not to focus on myself, to be so self-centered. I am rejoicing in the moments when she "eats up" Jordan's attention and affection. It's precious to watch. I feel a little like an outsider as a mom, but I pray that will change some day. Jordan said that she recognizes me as another caregiver since I am a woman. He said Nina sees him as an oddity. Plus, they interact outside of the normal routine of care: dressing, potty, eating, teaching, medical care, etc. I have hope that he is right.

We will take books this afternoon and begin to work on English terms. The doctor at the baby house recommended this today. We took a piece of candy today... she has quite a sweet tooth! She will fit well in our family! More to come...

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